DISCLAIMER: please DO NOT take over a bank, or any public place, nor commit an act of violence in the course of your Manifesto. Thank you.
I was really looking forward to writing this post, thinking that I was in possession of a really original idea: everyone should write a manifesto. Except then I was going through my Twitter Feed, and I came across this article posted on the99percent.com. The article summary reads "Manifestos are a powerful catalyst. By publicly stating your views and intentions, you create a pact for taking action. (Movements from the American Revolution to Dogme 95 film to the Firefox web browser were all launched by manifestos.) If you want to change the world, even in just a small way, creating a personal or business manifesto is a great place to start."
Well shoot. That's pretty much what I was going to say! While I do not ever recommend getting into a 6 hour stand off with the police to get your message out (and interrupting my wedding planning with the caterer -- lucky for HIM I wasn't armed! (kidding!)), I do think that we could all benefit from distilling or hopes, dreams, and ideals into a statement strong enough to build a life on. (Not including prison time.)
What do I care enough about to publicly proclaim? Is my love for my family, for animals, for my friends enough? It loses something in print. What about my dedication to school, and my dreams for my future? Hmmm. I'm not sure there's anything revolutionary in all of that.
It seems, then that I am with the majority of society, drifting along in my happy, not- very-exciting-life. To change the world, even just my own world, it looks like I have some work to do. I need to chase down my passions, to get excited about something -- anything -- in a way that will shape and create a dynamic future. The world deserves that level of excitement and innovation.
Tell me, how are you going to change the world? What will you write in your manifesto?
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